Workers at Walmart stores in Changde, Hunan Province and Maanshan, Anhui Province in China are protesting Walmart's plans to close the stores.
According to the Financial Times (behind a paywall), Walmart is in the process of closing 20 stores in China. Store closures present workers globally with loss of income, disrupting family life, jeopardizing housing and the educational opportunities of children. Abrupt closures leave workers with little time to plan transitions, and are often an occasion for avoiding payments due workers when they are laid off. Media and labor activists in China report that Walmart has not consulted with the local union in Changde on its closure plans. Workers are demanding that the company comply with Chinese labor laws in full, rescind dismissals of its workers and negotiate in good faith with the local trade union. The AFL-CIO supports the demands of Chinese workers.
Chinese trade union challenges Walmart closure programme

24 March 2014
Closures of Walmart stores in China have been challenged by the local unit of the ACFTU (All China Federation of Trade Unions, supported by the Chinese government) in Changde, Hunan province. The union has been leading protests outside a Walmart store that closed last week. As it is highly unusual for the government sanctioned union to lend its support to industrial actions, their backing has given workers great confidence.
Chinese workers have been demanding twice the compensation offered by Walmart to workers who will lose their jobs, and also rental and other subsidies for those who transfer to stores in other cities. The involvement of ACFTU adds weight to their actions and could increase official scrutiny of the closures.
Head of UNI Commerce, Alke Boessiger said "The protests against Walmart in China are highly significant. The Chinese union, the ACFTU are challenging Walmart’s behaviour in order to safeguard the future of its workers."
"The UNI Walmart Global Union Alliance stands with the ACFTU and Chinese Walmart workers, who, like their brothers and sisters around the world, including in the Unites States, are victims of the company's outmoded and irresponsible business model."
The protests in China echo similar demonstrations in the United States and elsewhere in response to the continued poor labour practices of Walmart.
UNI Global Union has a cordial relationship with the ACTFU, with an official representative attending UNI Commerce's annual Conference in Buenos Aires and a UNI Commerce delegation visiting them in China in September 2012.
UNI商务部主管ALKE Boessiger说, "在中国针对沃尔玛的抗议活动是非常重要的。中国的工会—中华全国总工会正在挑战沃尔玛的行为,以保障工人的未来。"
"我们UNI沃尔玛全球工会联盟与中华全国总工会和中国沃尔玛的工人站在一起,像他们在世界各地的兄弟姐妹一样,包括在美国的沃尔玛工人,都是沃尔玛公司过时的和不负责任的商业模式的受害者。 "