Representative Mike Honda (CA-17), Chair Emeritus: "The ABC network recently allowed comedian Jimmy Kimmel to air a skit in which a group of children suggested that “we kill everyone in China” to avoid paying back the national debt. Some things are funny, but racial hatred is not one of them. These statements, left unchecked, promote intolerance, and I am concerned that the producers of Mr. Kimmel’s program allowed this to air. Children may not know better, but producers and ABC’s management should.
"An apology must be issued, and I sincerely hope the network uses better judgment in the future. As a Japanese-American who was put in an internment camp during World War II, I have firsthand experience of this country’s discriminatory intolerance, prejudice, and hysteria. Having worked hard in Congress to promote diversity and acceptance, I believe Mr. Kimmel’s program is an affront not only to the Chinese, but to all who promote human dignity."

这封词藻华丽的信措辞强硬,明确的说种族问题不能用来编笑话,造成的影响超出亚裔社区,还引用1980年代华人Vincent Chin被两个白人当成日本人杀了。信中要求Jimmy Kimmel必须给出一个formal apology.
“While I understand the nature of a comedy show, these comments are both inappropriate and offensive to us and others in diverse communities throughout the country.”
“A joke about killing over 1 billion Chinese people is no laughing matter.”
还有,也许我们错怪了Judy Chu, 在Honda定性此事为racial hatred时(25日),他是和Judy Chu一次发表press release的,我们不能说Judy一个屁都不放。不过Chu的言辞实在没有Honda那么切中要害。