
墙外楼: 中国网民刷屏怒骂时代杂志网络版对昆明事件的报道

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Mar 2nd 2014, 10:07, by 墙外仙

Deadly Terror Attackin Southwestern China Blamed on Separatist Muslim Uighurs


A mass terror spreein a southwestern Chinese city that killed at least 29 people was carried outby assailants from the Uighur ethnic minority, according to China's officialnews service, Xinhua. Knife-wielding attackers, dressed in black clothes, stormedthe railway station of provincial capital Kunming shortly after 9 pm on March1, slaughtering those who could not flee fast enough. More than 130 were alsowounded, said Xinhua. Photos circulating on social media showed images ofsmears of blood and scattered luggage from terrified railway passengers. Xinhuadescribed the assault as an "organized, premeditated, violent terroristattack." The state news service said that five of the at least 10 attackers hadbeen shot dead by security forces.

If Uighurs did carryout the attack, the Kunming bloodshed marks a chilling escalation in theirstruggle for autonomy and even separation from the Chinese state. Members of aTurkic ethnic minority who look very different from China's Han majority,Uighurs are concentrated in the arid northwestern region of Xinjiang, whichborders Central Asia. While the Tibetan campaign for autonomy gets moreinternational attention, Muslim Uighurs have also agitated against what theysay are decades of institutionalized repression, such as limits on worship andcareer opportunities.

That resistancemovement may be radicalizing. Over the past year, violent clashes betweenUighurs and Chinese security forces have proliferated, with at least 100 peoplekilled. But it is hard to determine the catalyst for many of these deadlyincidents. Invariably, Chinese state media say Muslim terrorists orchestratedattacks on police stations and other symbols of the state. Meanwhile, Uighurexile groups claim security forces have indiscriminately opened fire, using apurported war on separatist jihadis to execute innocent civilians.

Divergent accountsalso attach themselves to the 2009 riots, which convulsed Xinjiang's provincialcapital Urumqi. Members of various ethnic groups died in China's worst ethnicviolence in decades. State media say around 200 died, mostly Han, who weretargeted by vengeful Uighur mobs. International human-rights groups say theensuing security crackdown resulted in the extrajudicial killings of Uighursand that Han gangs terrorized the city as well.

The violence appearsto be metastasizing beyond Xinjiang's borders. Last October, a car plowedthrough crowds in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, China's symbolic heart, killingtwo tourists. Chinese police said the occupants of the vehicle, who also diedin what was described as a "suicide attack," were a Uighur man, his wife andhis mother.

China's security czar said that the crash was the work of the EastTurkestan Islamic Movement and state media reported that separatist banners werefound inside the SUV. (Someexiled Uighurs wondered how radical paraphernalia could be discovered in aburned-out vehicle.)

The Uighur narrativetells of an ancient land called East Turkestan, part of which they say wasbriefly independent last century before Chinese troops marched in. Kashgar, thefabled Silk Road oasis in western Xinjiang, is closer to Istanbul than toBeijing. Parts of Xinjiang are still home to camel caravans and bazaars sellingapricots and fragrant spices. Yet Xinjiang must officially hew to a Beijingtime zone, one of many impositions by the state that rankle Uighurs. A flood ofmigrants from China's Han ethnic majority, many working for state-ownnatural-resource companies or military-linked firms, has remade the ethnicmake-up of Xinjiang. Official statistics show that Uighurs are now a minorityin their own homeland, making up some 45% of the population.

The Chinesegovernment counters that they have helped to raise living standards inXinjiang, which is blessed with significant energy reserves. Kashgar, forinstance, is being refashioned from a warren of mud-brick buildings into aChinese city with high-rises and gleaming shopping malls. Uighurs, like otherethnic minorities, are exempt from China's one-child policy, earning them theenvy of some Han.

China's President XiJinping has responded to the Saturday violence in Kunming, the capital ofYunnan province, with resolve. "Severely punish in accordance with the law theviolent terrorists and resolutely crack down on those who have been swollenwith arrogance," he said, according to Xinhua. "Understand the serious andcomplex nation of combating terrorism. Go all out to maintain socialstability." Although the terror attack was generating intense interest onChinese social media, state censors were rapidly deleting posts on the subject.On Wednesday, an annual meeting of China's legislature is set to begin inBeijing, the biggest political event of the year. Security, one imagines, willbe extraordinarily tight.




Comment 评论

Have you ever been to xinjiang? What you said is all from hearsay, then add your ‘subjective. Thousands of years of Chinese culture do you understand? In the history of China in the past have dominated the world many times, and over the years, what we disdain for world domination, we just want to secure life. Why some of you westerners so narrow-minded? If in 911, we will also help terrorists to talk you happy? As humans, a terrorist is our common enemy, hope you the journalists not a politician’s lackeys.




Hannah Beech职业生涯:毕业于Colby College,主修国际关系学和文学
1995年开始在华盛顿的U.S News杂志做记者

@Godrice1 在,"我和丈夫住在老锦江饭店,这是《时代周刊》为我们安排的。丈夫比我大12岁,是一位作家,先前也是一位记者,他正在撰写一本关于中国体育发展的书。我们的家就是我们的办公室,因为工作太忙,至今还没有孩子。"


@suthing 作者肯定知道,屁股决定脑袋而已,她在南京大学留过学,待过香港,现在在上海,是时代周刊上海站负责人。



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